Comments on: RETRIBUTION: What Putin Said About Trump Last Night Will Make Dems Sweat Bullets Fri, 07 Jul 2017 00:32:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcia Wed, 07 Jun 2017 06:05:50 +0000 Kelly and the Democrats are really grasping at straws to keep Trump in the middle of this bullshit! Her interview made her look stupid. Putin said they were all crazy! I’ll second that.
President Trump will not be deterred by Kelly or any of her liberal sidekicks!
Let it go for God’s sake and move on!

By: Maxine DeRouen Tue, 06 Jun 2017 16:34:43 +0000 Trump won hands down go Trump go you’re the President!

By: RS Tue, 06 Jun 2017 04:35:50 +0000 🇺🇸No buts or Iffs]]> YES TRUMP OWN VERY FAIR👍🇺🇸No buts or Iffs

By: Kathy Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:37:07 +0000 Does anyone like this woman? I mean what a useless interview. He was almost spitting in her face bc she was so stupid. She was borderline offending him and calling him a liar

By: Kathy Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:32:50 +0000 Putim was not buying her unprofessional behavior. He was laughing in her face. He knew where she was coming from…OMG she keeps it up….what a wasted interview. She was terrible. They could not get someone better than this woman,. She is so juvinile

By: Kathy Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:30:40 +0000 The audience was LAUGHING at her bc of her stupid questions..people were laughing

By: Kathy Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:29:32 +0000 I could not watch it. She is such a jerk. The opportunity of a lifetime and they use this idiot. Her eyelash batting and flirting didn’t work with PUTIN. He wasn’t buying her BS. She was terrible. I can’t take her attitude & her unprofessional behavior.

By: Jim Mon, 05 Jun 2017 16:38:18 +0000 of course he did. A congressman asked then FBI Director Comey why and what proof did they have that Russia wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 election. Comey’s answer was, “well number 1 he’s not Hillary Clinton and it is widely believed that Putin hates Hillary Clinton, and number two it is believed that Trump being a businessman Putin might think he can do business and make deals better with Trump. Now this is the evidence (widely believed) and (it’s believed) evidence? facts? Hillary Clinton said herself that Putin had a grudge against her, she said that, she started that widely held belief that Comey speaks about and the mass media helped out by taking off with everything she or Obama said post election. Trumps a businessman and that’s a bad thing all of a sudden?? This kind of nonsense and dirty politics have lead to a 10 month investigation where Congress People keep talking about lots of smoke but no fire. Then someone will muster up the guts to ask, “do you have any evidence at all”, the answer has always been a resounding NO from Comey FBI, Brennan CIA Clapper NSA, all the members of the over sight committee, the media because believe me they have made up stories that dripped of innuendos and hypotheticals but no facts at all and they get these leads from ‘sources’ so they say. People it’s time for the adults to take over and end this shit and start the real investigation of the 2016 eavesdropping of the GOP by Obama and Clinton performed by the FBI and CIA and NSA. We have serious problems here to solve with serious Prison sentences.

By: Janice Kilby Mon, 05 Jun 2017 16:02:20 +0000 I can assure you President Trump won fair and square.
