Maxine Waters Slams Tucker Carlson on MSNBC. Fox News Host Fires Back … 4 Minutes Later
Ah, live TV. It’s the best. Particularly when you’re Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and you bash Fox News host Tucker Carlson. And he bashes you right back. Four minutes later.
During a cozy little visit with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Waters took issue with Carlson over comments he made about reports she’s considering running for president in 2020, according to The Daily Caller:
“I’m not running for anything but my own seat. I don’t have any presidential aspirations. If the millennials want me to do it, I’d do it, though.”
Setting aside the fact that Waters has more than a checkered past, she did what all good Democrats do when push comes to shove — she played the victim:
“They made this story up. They are trying every way they can to discredit me, or to make people uncomfortable with me. All of that.
So you’re gonna be hearing a lot more from these people, who are all, you know, aligned around trying to discredit Maxine Waters.”
Speaking of discrediting Maxine Waters, Carlson asked the obvious question:
“Why does Maxine Waters get to go on cable channels and no one ever mentions her ethical problems, the fact that she lives in a four and a half million dollar house after working for the government for 40 years, et cetera?”
He then added a chaser to the shot:
“They’re super-hyper skeptical of everything Trump says and they’re not skeptical at all of anything that Maxine Waters says.”
I got this one, Tucker. Because they’re MSNBC and CNN, my friend. Not to mention their pals at The New York Times and The Washington Post. Next question?
Incidentally, this was hardly the first rodeo between Carlson and Waters.
Earlier this month, the Fox host mused about the congresswoman’s multimillion dollar house — which is not located in the district she represents — after she threatened to “take [Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s] a** apart,” noting:
“We should take her seriously on this subject. [She’s] a confirmed expert on the question on housing.”
Live TV. It’s the best.
Source: Conservative Daily