Breaking Sun, 17 Dec 2017 19:38:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Breaking 32 32 124684086 BREAKING News Out Of NYC – He’s Just Been Found Dead After Exposing The Clintons – This Is HUGE! Tue, 12 Dec 2017 17:42:58 +0000 Another day and another dead body with a connection that cannot be ignored as Hillary Clinton’s body count seems to be on the rise once again, after a brief reprieve of no sudden, mysterious casualties. The latest is possibly the most shocking yet in the truly startling trail of dead bodies that keep accumulating around this crooked woman with major secrets she’s desperate to keep hidden no matter who has she has to kill off to ensure it. It didn’t take long for her latest victim to be found dead in his pricey New York City apartment by his 11-year-old daughter who discovered his death that’s strangely been ruled a “suicide” even though how it happened suggests otherwise.

In what’s being reported as a famous surgeon to the star’s unexpected suicide brought on by stress, the timing of his death after what he just exposed of Hillary’s cannot be ignored. Why would a wealthy, acclaimed trauma surgeon with three young daughters kill himself in a particularly gruesome manner in his home? We’re not the only one asking this very important question. The way he died would have been particularly difficult to do to himself. Furthermore, when his daughter found him and called for help, she reported it as an assault, a fact that Democrats are desperate to hide.

The New York Daily News reports:

Investigators were treating the death of Dr. Dean Lorich as an apparent suicide, sources said.

“He was under some personal stress,” a police source said. The surgeon was home with his daughter, police said, adding there were no signs of forced entry at the tony Upper East Side apartment at Park Ave. and E. 96th St.

The girl alerted the building’s doorman, who called 911. Police said the call was regarding an assault.

Cops found the 54-year-old doctor’s body in the bathroom around 1 p.m. The knife was near his heart, a source said.

Lorich’s wife was playing tennis at the time, police said.

Lorich, a father of three girls, was the associate director of the Orthopaedic Trauma Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery. He was also a professor at Weill Cornell Medical College.

Although he’s known for his many accomplishments and treating notable figures like U2’s Bono and was also on a team of doctors who helped NYPD Officer Tarrell Lee recover after an SUV plowed him over, his alleged connection to the Clintons has just surfaced.

Neon Nettle reports:

One of the United States’ leading surgeons, who exposed misappropriation of funds by the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, has been found dead after being stabbed in the torso.Dr. Dean Lorich was found on the bathroom floor of his New York apartment by his 11-year-old daughter with a knife still stuck in his chest at around 1 pm on Monday.

Those who follow Wikileaks and have investigated Hillary Clinton’s emails may recognize Dr. Dean Lorich’s name already.

In 2010, Lorich was part of a relief effort that flew to Haiti as a volunteer to offer his skills for civilians who had been injured during the earthquakes that devastated the region. Within 24 hours of the earthquake, a 13-member team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and operating room nurses was assembled, with a massive amount of orthopedic operating room equipment, and flew to Port-au-Prince with Dr. Lorich.

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “charitable” Clinton foundation led the relief effort in Haiti raising millions of dollars from around the world to help the people recover from the natural disaster. Sadly, most of the funds never reached the people of Haiti, but instead, lined the pockets of the Clintons’ associates who were meant to redevelop the nation, but never delivered.

Dr. Lorich and his team were there to help save the limbs of those injured, which without the proper medical treatment, would have meant amputation for a lot of people. Lorich described amputation in those conditions as a “death sentence” and hoped to treat as many sufferers as possible, saying:

“We expected many amputations.

“But we thought we could save limbs that were salvageable, particularly those of children.

“We recognized that in an underdeveloped country, a limb amputation may be a death sentence.

“It does not have to be so.”

With the amount of money that was being donated to Haiti for the victims, Lorich and his team expected to have full support when their plane touched down. Instead, he described the situation as “shameful” and witnessed, first hand, a huge misappropriation of funds, with the people affected by the disaster receiving no help whatsoever.

Dr. Lorich was disgusted by what he saw and sent an email to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Cheif of Staff Cheryl D. Mills to report what he had seen. The email was forwarded to Hillary Clinton which meant it then found it’s way into WikiLeaks’ possession and can be read here.

Unsatisfied with the lack of response from Clinton’s people, despite the fact that they had clearly read his email, Lorich wrote an article for CNN that exposed what he found when he arrived in Haiti.

“We found scores of patients with pus dripping out of open extremity fractures and crush injuries,” reported Lorich.

“Some wounds were already ridden with maggots.

“About a third of these victims were children.

“The entire hospital smelled of infected, rotting limbs and death.

“Later on, we would judge our surgical progress by the diminishment of the stench.

“As we got up and running and organized the patients for surgery, we told our contacts in the United States [the Clintons] what we needed.”

Unfortunately, that help never arrived.

“We left feeling as if we abandoned these patients, the country, and its people, and we feel terrible,” said Lorich, adding: “Upon our departure, we witnessed pallets of Cheerios and dry goods sitting on the tarmac helping nobody.

“Yet our flight of critical medical equipment and personnel had been canceled.

“Our role back in New York is to expose the inadequacies of the system in the hopes of effecting change immediately.”

Dr. Lorich’s reports on Haiti shone a huge spotlight on the level of corruption that was taking place in Haiti while Bill and Hillary Clinton reaped the praise as the faces of the relief effort.

Hillary Clinton never seems to be able to escape scandal and as long as she’s a free woman, rather than being locked up where she belongs, she will be continued to be questioned in everything that she has any kind of connection to.

BREAKING NEW Out Of Pennsylvania…. THIS IS HUGE!!! Sun, 10 Dec 2017 20:46:02 +0000 Two thugs who broke into a home got taught a brutal lesson and one of them ended up dead.

It happened in a quiet neighborhood in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania at around 1:30 am when 84-year-old Don Lutz was woken up by the sounds of shattering glass and two intruders barging through his front door.

Lutz grabbed a handgun, which he told KDKA he keeps under his pillow while he sleeps, and went out to investigate.

He was met by two men breaking into his home.

“I was in bed sleeping, they woke me up,” Lutz told KDKA. “Woken up to them busting in on my front door, and I went out in the hallway in the dark, and I met this one guy, and he went to grab me and that’s when I shot him.”

The man who was shot died on the kitchen floor.

Police said that Lutz then got into a scuffle withe the 2nd thug who was able to knock his gun out of his hand.

The thug then ran away and at this time in on the run.

When asked if he would have shot the other thug Lutz said, “Oh yeah, I would have shot him. They dropped the gun out of my hands, It was laying on the floor. I would have shot him, too.”

Police did not identify the suspect who died. Lutz, who was taken to the police station for questioning, did not suffer any injuries, Fox News reports.

“At this time, it appears to be justified. We will take the evidence and go review it with the District Attorney’s Office and determine, let him make the final determination,” said Ellwood City Police Lt. David Kingston.

The homeowner says police never found the bullet inside his home, but they did find one casing. He said he hopes they catch the second suspect fast.

This is the perfect example of why our Second Amendment rights are so important.

If Mr. Lutz didn’t have a gun, he may have been beaten or killed.

The race of the two intruders was not reported at the time this report is being written.

You gotta love Mr. Lutz.



Breaking News About Sarah Sanders After Suffering A Vicious Attack Overnight – She Needs Support Now Sun, 10 Dec 2017 18:07:56 +0000 In a bid to stay relevant and clearly demonstrating yet again just what a vile human being she is, has-been comedian Chelsea Handler attacks again. Handler created a promotional for a fake makeup tutorial video for her soon to be canceled Netflix show which attacks White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The spoof video showed Handler as her usual nasty self, depicting her filming a makeup tutorial on YouTube in which she refers to Sanders’ face as a “big, fat biscuit” that resembles a man’s. Fortune Feimster who bills herself as a comedy writer plays Sanders’ and shows a step-by-step tutorial on how to apply make-up….errr something.

Feimster applies moisturizer all over her face and then snottily claims –

“Right now my skin is dry. It’s like Puerto Rico before that one rainy day they had. Put it all over your face. My face is a big, fat biscuit.”

She then picked up a bottle of foundation, making a ridiculously, racist comparison between the make-up, the founding of America, and the Founding Fathers, stating –

 “This is foundation and just like the foundation of America, it’s Republican, it’s strong, and it’s white.”

Except clearly neither Handler nor Feimster knows their history as America was not founded by Republicans as the what is known as the Republican party today was not even in existence until the year 1854.  Political parties first emerged during George Washington’s first term in office with the Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Party in 1791 and in the following year, the formation of the Anti-Federalist Party also known as the Democratic-Republicans under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson.

Handler and Feimster continue in their unfunny spoof belittling and demeaning Sanders and being as crass and revolting as they possibly can be joking about transgenders and sex toys –

“Grab ya a beauty blender. Now, this is a beauty blender right here. It may look like a butt plug, but it’s not. Stick a beauty blender up your butt once, shame on me. Stick a beauty blender up your butt twice, it’s a shame I didn’t think of that sooner. I used to not know what foundation was, but our great president was kind enough to take me to a Sephora and he said to the employee, ‘Hey, you see that fellow over here? Make him a woman.’”

This was followed by Feimster glopping on blush and bronzer looking more like a 5-year-old child who got into their mother’s make-up, rather than Sander’s polished and put together look in real life.

The backlash that followed on social media was swift and brutal.  Women were swift to point out Handler and Feimster constant complaints of first world fictional oppression with regard to feminism, calling them out on their hypocrisy as they preach to others about positive body image and strong feminist values in this supposed world of misogyny they claim to exist in.

One Twitter user said ironically –

“Glad to see how much of a strong feminist you are, by promoting positive body image of other females.”


When called out rather than be apologetic, Handler doubled down referring to Sanders as “pure evil” that deserved to be “taken down.”


Judging by the ratings on Handler’s show, Chelsea – billed as Netflix’s first ever talk show the American public at large does not think too much of Handler’s team up with Feimster and their woefully lacking attempts at humor. Only three weeks and nine episodes into its run, executive producer, and showrunner Bill Wolff left the series, choosing to not have anything to do with it or Handler. Only in its second season and Netflix has already announced that it would be the last for Handler.

According to RadarOnline, the reason for the show’s cancellation  –

Chelsea wasn’t funny anymore. Netflix signed up for a funny show. She was bitter and mean. Netflix was fine with Chelsea doing a political show as long as it was funny or biting, but it wasn’t. She wasn’t as good as the other people doing politics. Samantha Bee and Stephen Colbert do it right. Chelsea didn’t.”

Naturally, Handler gave a long, rambling list of excuses as to WHY her show was canceled citing most notably her desire to “devote as much time as I can to becoming a more knowledgeable and engaged citizen and to focus on projects that have significance to me. My goal is to be better informed, raise my voice, and participate in a more meaningful way” in a lengthy Twitter post.


By contrast, Sanders entered the political arena at the tender age of 20 serving in the U.S. Department of Education in the capacity of a regional liaison during President George W. Bush’s administration. Sanders also managed her father’s 2008 presidential campaign as well as serving as senior advisor to 2012 Presidential nominee Tim Pawlenty.  She was most recently asked to serve in the capacity of senior advisor for Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election and handled his communications for coalitions prior to taking her current position of White House Press Secretary.

Handler is a has-been comedian with a failed Netflix series… do the math.

Source: Freedom Daily

Liberals Are In A Complete Meltdown: Top Democrat Congressman Arrested At The Capitol Sun, 10 Dec 2017 13:35:56 +0000  

It is very interesting the way Leftists tend to break down everything into black and white when it comes to Republicans, but when it comes to their own shortcomings, suddenly there are 50 shades of gray. More precisely, there are 50 shades of black and brown.

Here’s an example: Black and Brown people who are proud of their ethnicity, their culture and their heritage are admirable and should be emulated. White people who are proud of their ethnicity, their culture and their heritage are racists. A White person who utters a vile obscenity about race is a racist (no argument there). A Black or Brown person who utters a vile obscenity about race is expressing emotion, because (as we all know) Blacks and Browns cannot be racist.

So, we arrive at the conundrum of the age. US Representative Luis Gutierrez, who has obviously gotten his way since childhood through various temper tantrums and breath-holding, has once again proven that you don’t have to have a high IQ to be an elected official (especially in Illinois, apparently). He has just been arrested for the fourth time in the past year for participating in mass protests regarding illegal alien deportations and detainments!

Image result for Rep. Luis Gutierrez arrest

Right Wing News:

Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez has been busted… again. He was among 200 protesters arrested Wednesday on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. These were pro-Amnesty demonstrators. He joined members of the Service Employee’s International Union who proceeded to storm the Capitol steps demanding that bipartisan legislation be passed that would protect “Dreamers.” That would be those who fall under the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) program.

Back in September, President Trump announced he would be ending the DACA program that was created by Barack Obama. This ‘illegal’ program allowed in illegal immigrants and their children. It’s chain migration. The children were brought in illegally by their parents and special allowances were then made by Obama so they could stay. They don’t have legal status, but they did get temporary protection from deportation and permission to work. That’s ending now and Gutierrez doesn’t like it at all. He’s a racist and a communist, so it offends him doubly so.

These protesters vowed hundreds would be arrested during its “civil disobedience action.” They made good on that promise. Gutierrez had pledged he would be arrested as well and the police granted his wish. Gutierrez and other protesters wore green gloves and green armbands to signify their pledge to be arrested. The Senate and the House are in a budget stalemate and the program is ostensibly caught in the middle. It could lead to a government shutdown if a spending bill is not passed by midnight Friday. It shouldn’t be any part of a spending bill.

“Congress refuses to act, and it’s killing us,” one protester said. No, it’s about to right a wrong. If you are not here legally and are violating the law, regardless of how you got here, you need to leave and come back legally. It’s just that simple. Immigration advocates are pushing Congress to act, fearing it’s the last opportunity for Republicans and Democrats to strike a deal over the contentious issue, according to AZ Central. I hope they fail to act and that DACA ends. It should never have existed in the first place.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, who wrote this piece is right about one point and wrong about another. When she refers to Gutierrez as a racist, she is 100% on the mark. There is nothing worse than a double standard, especially when it involves a man who long ago traded in his soul and brain for a seat in Congress.

On the other hand, she misidentifies the people “pushing Congress to act” on DACA as “immigration advocates.” These people who advocate for DACA are not for immigration. If they were, they wouldn’t be pulling for DACA to be upheld. On the contrary, these people are literally calling for the complete opposite by asking the Congress to IGNORE federal immigration law and uphold illegal alien status. Illegals are not immigrants…a common misconception. They are invaders into a country whose laws are such that if this were any other country, the insurgents may not live to see another day.

Source: Right Wing News

BREAKING: Vonn Out Of Olympics Less Than 24 Hrs After Trashing Trump – Her Career Is Officially Over Sat, 09 Dec 2017 22:23:59 +0000 The last 48 hours have been particularly rough for Olympic alpine skier Lindsey Vonn. Ever since she decided to use her public platform to slam our president, she’s suffered the recourse of that really bad decision. She should have learned from the immense fallout in the NFL but refused to. Now, Donald Trump has just gotten the ultimate revenge on the athlete who could be forcibly removed from the 2018 Olympics. Her goals of coming home with another gold medal have just been shattered by her own doing and it didn’t take too long to realize the ramifications.

It’s strange how athletes have no problem using Trump to bring attention to themselves by making such bold public statements, for how much they hate him. What’s even odder, is that they never seem to learn their lesson and can’t stop themselves from slandering him, regardless of the massive ramifications. The latest “victim” of this stupidity is Vonn who just got what she earned when she opened her mouth and said, “Well, I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president,”  according to CNN.

Less than 24 hours after a boycott of her sponsors was initiated, Vonn suffered a bigger, devastating blow.

Reuters reports:

American Lindsey Vonn was injured after finishing the World Cup Super G race in St Moritz on Saturday while Switzerland’s Lara Gut crashed halfway down the course.

Vonn, four-times overall World Cup champion and the finest woman skier of her generation, fell to the ground grimacing as she slowed down after the finishing line and she staggered away with what appeared to be either a hip or back injury.

Vonn spent just under an hour in the medical treatment tent before being escorted to a waiting car and driven away. The 33-year-old walked the few metres to the car with great difficulty.

An ambulance was initially called but was not needed.

The U.S. team said on Twitter that Vonn “compressed her back on the fifth gate, skied through pain but didn’t have the power to push. She was evaluated by the physio and doctor in the tent. Further information to come.”

It’s an unfortunate injury that could prevent her from participating in the winter Olympics, which some are seeing as nearly instant karma for coming out and attacking Trump in her initial interview. Vonn is no stranger to pain and recovery, having just spent the last couple years rehabilitating, training, and getting in condition for this Olympic competition after enduring major injuries from her last race.

This is the second blow to the Gold Medalist this week, suffered in the immediate aftermath of her tactless remarks about President Trump.

Fans are already responding to the comments in the same way they did to the National Anthem kneelers in the NFL. A trending hashtag #BoycottUnderArmour has already picked up a lot of steam since she made her anti-Trump statements. We’ve already seen that this is more than words. Pro-Trump Americans will adamantly stand by our president and do exactly as they say they will – boycott a brand, a sport, an event, and anything else that condones anti-American attitudes.

“So UnderArmour wants to attract more #BoycottUnderAmour attention with Lindsey Vaughn? Ok you got it! #BoycottUnderArmour,”  another user by the name “The Warden” posted.

If Red Bull, Under Armour, Hershey’s, and a list of other big brands she represents want to save their good names, they better get this alpine skier to leave politics out of the sport. It’s not going to end well for her or these sponsors if she continues down this steep path, nor is it worth wasting everything she’s worked hard at accomplishing to say such disgusting things. It’s truly astounding these talented athletes are willing to risk so much just to say something stupid.

Let’s also not forget that Vonn is really not in a position to criticize others who she considered to be morally depraved, as one commenter on Breitbart’s story pointed out:

“Nude photo shooting Lindsey who dated drug-addled philandering Tiger Woods now appoints herself a paragon of American virtue? You want to shoot your mouth off and enter politics baby, run for office. You want to suck my tax dollars on the Olympic team and represent me… you keep your mouth shut and focus on skiing, maybe you can win a medal for a change??”

The Olympics is a time and a place where Americans come together and root for the same team. That should have been the message that Vonn shared going into the games, instead of a divisive one. It’s proof that despite their claim of Trump being the divider, they are truly the ones preventing opposing sides from mending as they perpetuate the hate.

Sanctuary State To Lose ALL Federal Funding – They Said This Couldn’t Happen Fri, 08 Dec 2017 19:57:34 +0000 With liberal lawmakers pushing to violate federal law, the Trump administration is finally fighting back. The DOJ has announced it will do more than just deny sanctuary cities future grants.

The evidence is overwhelming of the negative impact of illegal immigration. They import drugs and violence into the country. They jeopardize national security. And illegal immigrants drain public resources, while depriving Americans of jobs.

Yet liberal politicians still undermine the President by protecting these criminal aliens. Sanctuary cities and now states refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement in deporting aliens.

Trump has promised retribution in the form of cutting off federal funds. Now we are learning the DOJ might actually demand back funds they granted them.

From The Federalist Papers:

How much is pandering to illegal immigrants really worth to the state of California? We may be about to find out.

Fox News reports that the Trump Justice Department has given California and its Democrat Governor, Jerry Brown, an ultimatum: you can be a sanctuary state that flouts federal immigration law or you can keep the federal tax dollars flowing … but you can’t have both:

Department of Justice Officials tell Fox News this situation could result with future federal grants being withheld from California, that threat has been a common thread in this ongoing story. However DOJ officials also tell Fox they could “clawback” funds already awarded to the Golden State.

For instance California received more than $18 million in federal grants from the Department of Justice in 2016, funds DOJ officials say could be subject to a “clawback.”

The illegal immigration issue is finally coming to a head. Governor Jerry Brown has flaunted our nation’s laws and security in order to protect criminal aliens. Americans are dying at the hands of aliens, yet Brown and other libs do nothing.

It’s high time the federal government did something about it. California has no business enjoying tax payer funds, while is undermines our national security and economy.

How much can California stand the lack of federal cash? Considering how much it depends on federal grants to fix its infrastructure, fund its government, and provide needed services, they won’t last long.

But don’t think these angry liberals will take it lying down. Most likely, they will sue the federal government–their most used recourse in this day and age. But it’s a case that won’t hold much water, even if it goes to the Supreme Court.

Source: The Federalist Papers

The FBI’s Role in Benghazi Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than ANYONE Could Have Ever Imagined Thu, 07 Dec 2017 19:12:34 +0000 This has not been a good month for the FBI.  First we learn that there are multiple anti-Trump FBI agents on Mueller’s investigation into “Russian collusion,” and then we learn that the wife of the 2nd in command, Andrew McCabe, possibly received $700,000 from Hillary Clinton.

And now we might have just learned the most shocking thing of all.

According to The Hill, The FBI was apparently involved in the coverup of the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi in 2012 which led to the death of our Libyan Ambassador.


This was deeply troubling to the FBI agent who spoke to Re. DeSantis because it just didn’t make sense.


Rep. DeSaints then dropped the bombshell on the FBI:


It appears the FBI LIED about what actually happened in Benghazi. This goes beyond unbelievable, this is down right scary.  The FBI is no longer a trustworthy organization.  Rather it has been turned into an entity that can be used by corrupt politicians to go after their opponents and cover up their crimes.


Source: The Hill

BREAKING NEWS From The WHITE HOUSE, ‘Deep State’ TERRIFIED… HELL YEAH! Tue, 05 Dec 2017 22:21:18 +0000 Since he’s taken office, President Trump has had to deal with so-called “deep state” operatives leaking and undermining his presidency, but now it appears a plan has been hatched to combat these ghouls once and for all.

According to a report from The Intercept, close allies of the President have created a plan to use secretive spy rings to combat his deep state opposition and give the President the intelligence he needs to carry out his overseas agenda. According to sources close to President Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies corrupted by previous administrations have become unreliable and forced the President to seek other intelligence gathering means.

As a result, Colonel Oliver North and Blackwater founder Eric Prince are teaming up to create a network to ensure CIA Director Mike Pompeo and President Trump get the intelligence they need without any political interference.

From The Intercept:

  • THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is considering a set of proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer — with assistance from Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal — to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials and others familiar with the proposals. The sources say the plans have been pitched to the White House as a means of countering “deep state” enemies in the intelligence community seeking to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency.
  • “Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to create this thing that reports just directly to him,” said a former senior U.S. intelligence official with firsthand knowledge of the proposals, in describing White House discussions. “It is a direct-action arm, totally off the books,” this person said, meaning the intelligence collected would not be shared with the rest of the CIA or the larger intelligence community. “The whole point is this is supposed to report to the president and Pompeo directly.”

According to The Intercept’s reporting, the plan would utilize private spooks to obtain the intelligence needed for the President and Pompeo to track down and apprehend global terror suspects as well as combat Islamic extremism, both of which don’t seem to be priorities for the “deep state” – the shadow entity within our government intent on keeping us in perpetual wars.

  • The proposals would utilize an army of spies with no official cover in several countries deemed “denied areas” for current American intelligence personnel, including North Korea and Iran. The White House has also considered creating a new global rendition unit meant to capture terrorist suspects around the world, as well as a propaganda campaign in the Middle East and Europe to combat Islamic extremism and Iran.

Officials told The Intercept that Pompeo is on board, but is working on getting the White House to agree to the deal. However, for what it’s worth, the CIA and the White House both deny anything like this is in the works.

“The White House does not and would not support such a proposal,” said NSA spokesman Michael N. Anton.

A spokesman for the CIA stated, “You have been provided wildly inaccurate information by people peddling an agenda.”

You can read the rest of the in-depth report by following this link.

Whether or not this pans out, we’ll have to wait and see. However, one thing is for certain; the President needs to do something to get around deep state operatives, even if it means employing private contractors to do what our corrupted intelligence agencies are supposed to be doing.


BREAKING: House Will Hold FBI ‘In Contempt of Congress’ For Mueller Cover-Up Tue, 05 Dec 2017 08:23:55 +0000 House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes has instructed his committee to cite the FBI in contempt of Congress. This historic move comes following the revelation that the FBI did refuse to turn over documents that explained why agent Peter Strzok was suddenly removed from Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. Strzok was a former deputy director for counterintelligence at the FBI. As it was discovered, Strzok had made a number of anti-Trump and pro-Hillary comments in his text messages that destroyed any possible facade of independence in the probe.

The exact texts have not yet been revealed, but Fox News reported that “Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged anti-Trump texts with a colleague.”

Strzok has been a key figure in House investigations when it comes to the chain of the events that led to the FBI obtaining Fusion GPS’ notorious anti-Trump dossier.Investigators were contacted by an informant suggesting that there was “documentary evidence” that Strzok was purportedly obstructing the House probe into the dossier.

While Strzok’s removal from the Mueller team had been publicly reported in August, the Justice Department never disclosed the anti-Trump texts to the House investigators.

According to Breitbart:

Over the next three months, the FBI repeatedly refused to turn over the requested information. Nunes met and spoke to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to no avail. Nunes and the committee continued to pursue the matter right up through Friday, Dec. 1.
The following day, the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that Strzok had been kicked off Mueller’s team because of anti-Trump text messages that he was found to have exchanged with FBI lawyer Lisa Page during the 2016 presidential election. Strzok had also worked on the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s storage of emails, including classified information, on an illicit private server. She was not prosecuted.
The revelation of Strzok’s removal, and the reasons for it, are a huge blow to the credibility of Mueller’s inquiry, which critics have long claimed is riddled with partisan conflicts of interest.”

He’s not even the only one with conflicts of interests – a number of the lawyers working for Muller have donated to Hillary Clinton, and one even donated to the Clinton Foundation (which itself has been the subject of an FBI investigation). The FBI and DOJ had refused several inquiries into Strzok over the past few months, on a number of occasions:

  • On Oct. 11, Nunes met with deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein. In that meeting, Nunes specifically discussed the committee’s request for information about Strzok.
  • In an Oct. 31 committee staff meeting with the FBI, bureau officials refused a request for information about Strzok.
  • On Nov. 20, the committee again requested an interview with Strzok. (Three days earlier, on November 17, Strzok met with the Senate Intelligence Committee.)
  • On Nov. 29, Nunes again spoke to Rosenstein, and again discussed Strzok.
  • On Dec. 1, the committee again requested to speak with Strzok.

The FBI and DOJ did nothing after each such occasion.

We only learned the reason for Strzok’s firing three months ago on Saturday, and Nunes immediately accused the FBI of deliberately covering up political bias on the Muller team. “By hiding from Congress, and from the American people, documented political bias by a key FBI head investigator for both the Russia collusion probe and the Clinton email investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to thwart Congress’ constitutional oversight responsibility,” Nunes said

Is the FBI the real scandal?

Source: M Political

BREAKING: George Soros Just BUSTED In Alabama… This Is REALLY BAD Mon, 04 Dec 2017 21:50:38 +0000 It’s no secret that billionaire George Soros is the single largest threat to our republic in existence, and he has no issues using his vast fortune to undermine our nation at every turn.

From dumping millions into elections to funding subversive activist groups, Soros has his hand in nearly every facet of American society, and it’s all for the worse as he’s a far-left extremist who’s known for creating chaos and division in every country he gets his tentacles into.

The latest ploy of his is in Alabama, where a highly controversial Senate race is currently underway, with Republican Roy Moore currently leading in the polls despite an onslaught of sexual misconduct allegations. Soros has been busted secretly funding groups that are attempting to register convicted felons to vote en-masse, all so they can try to defeat Moore in the traditionally red state and log a victory for Democrats.

Breitbart News has more:

  • Birmingham, ALABAMA — An organization partnered with a George Soros-financed group and led by a radical leftist who is the half-brother of the infamous controversial Rev. Al Sharpton has been diligently working over the past few weeks to register convicted felons across Alabama.
  • The aim of the effort has been to get as many felons as possible on the roster before last Monday, the deadline to register in order to vote in Alabama’s Dec. 12 senate special election that pits Republican Roy Moore against Democratic challenger Doug Jones.  The man spearheading the campaign has stated outright that his effort is meant to ensure a Democratic victory in Alabama.
  • The thousands of felons reportedly newly registered over the past few weeks were most likely not included in any recent polling on the Alabama senate race put out by major firms.
  • Jones himself is tied to some of the specific organizations associated with the drive to register felons here. Indeed, as Breitbart News first reported, Jones spearheaded a project for a massively Soros-financed legal activist group demanding full voting rights be given to felons released from prison, including those convicted of murder, rape and other violent crimes.

Isn’t that nice?

They can’t win on the up-and-up, so they’re going to work their hardest to register people to vote, who otherwise had no interest, then likely tell them who to vote for, which often happens with these highly controversial voter drives.

Meanwhile, the man spearheading the Alabama operation is an alleged man of the Cloth, and he seems to think that subverting the will of the people of Alabama is his Divine mission.

  • reported that Pastor Kenneth Glasgow has been at the forefront of the statewide effort, which has successfully registered thousands of felons across Alabama in recent weeks. Glasgow has been aided in his efforts here by other Soros-financed groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
  • The Village Voice previously described Glasgow, Sharpton’s half-brother, as an “ex-con and recovering crackhead turned street preacher.”
  • Glasgow is currently president of a group he founded in 1999 calling itself The Ordinary People Society (TOPS). And he is a former leader of another organization, the radical Free Alabama Movement (FAM), which has for years been making inroads into Alabama’s prison population.
  • Glasgow told that in the last month alone “I think we registered at least five- to ten-thousand people all over the state” – referring to his efforts here in Alabama.
  • “I’ve got people all over the state registering people with my TOPS branches in Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Montgomery, Enterprise, Dothan, Abbeville, Geneva, Gordon, Bessemer, we have a lot,” he added.
  • Speaking on his radio program, Glasgow charged that “swarming the polls” with newly registered convicts could swing the vote, pointing as a template to the Virginia governor’s race. In that state, Gov. Terry McAuliffe used his executive power in April to restore voting rights for over 200,000 felons.
  • “We have the chance to do the same thing they did in Virginia,” Glasgow stated. “We can turn it blue. Well not blue, but we can add some color. Make it pink or purple.”

So that’s that; Democrats doing what Democrats do and trying to win an election by hook or by crook.

While we can all agree that the right to vote is our most precious, it also must be exercised with extreme responsibility considering what’s at stake. With that in mind, if it were up to this writer, such voter registration drives wouldn’t be legal, since if you’re not motivated enough to go register to vote on your own, you shouldn’t have people compelling you to do so then telling you who to vote for.


Source: Americas Freedom Fighters
